About Cae Bodlondeb, Chwilog

Mae Beech Developments yn falch iawn o gyhoeddi ei ddatblygiad diweddaraf, wedi ei leoli ym mhentref Chwilog.

Mae’r gwaith o adeiladu 12 tŷ eisoes wedi dechrau, sy’n cynnwys cymysgedd o gartrefi 3 a 4 ystafell wely o ansawdd uchel, sy’n effeithlon o ran ynni.

Un o fanteision prynu cartref newydd Beech yw'r sgôr ynni uchel a gyflawnwyd trwy ddulliau adeiladu modern, gan gynnwys ffrâm goncrit wedi'i inswleiddio (ICF) mewn partneriaeth â Nudura, pympiau gwres aer gyda rheolyddion smart, Unedau Adfer Gwres Awyr, Offer trydanol gradd A yn y cegin, gwydr triphlyg, a phaneli solar, i enwi mond ychydig.

Gyda chostau ynni wedi cynyddu dros y flynyddoedd diwethaf, bydd ein perchnogion tai newydd yn gallu gorffwys yn hawdd yn eu cartrefi cynnes a moethus. Ar gyfartaledd, mae cartrefi newydd tua 60% yn llai costus i'w gwresogi na chartrefi hŷn.

Mae’r datblygiad wedi hamgylchu gan fannau agored a tirwedd ddeniadol. Mae afon Carrog yn llifo trwy'r pentref ar ei ffordd i'r môr yn Afonwen, sydd lai na milltir i ffwrdd.

Maer pentref hefo brif lwybr bysiau ac mae Chwilog wedi’i leoli dim ond 2 funud mewn car i ffwrdd o orsaf drenau Penychain, a 5 munud mewn car o orsaf drenau Abererch, caniatau ar gyfer teithio cyfleus i drefi a dinasoedd ar draws Gogledd Cymru a thu hwnt.

Mae’r datblygiad wedi’i leoli dros y ffordd i Ysgol Gynradd Chwilog, sydd wedi’i disgrifio gan yr arolygiaeth ysgolion Estyn fel ysgol hapus a chartrefol gydag ymdeimlad cryf o gymuned.

Mae tafarn y pentref, Y Madryn, 2 funud yn unig ar droed, ac mae wedi dod yn ganolbwynt i’r pentref, gan gynnal sawl gig gyda hyd at 400 o bobl yn mynychu, yn ogystal â chynnal boreau coffi a chodi arian at achosion iechyd meddwl. Y Madryn yw’r unig dafarn yng Ngogledd Cymru i gyrraedd y rhestr fer ar gyfer gwobrau rhanbarthol y Gynghrair Cefn Gwlad, a alwyd yn aml yn “Oscars gwledig”.

Mae gan Ogledd Cymru rai o’r gweithgareddau antur awyr agored gorau, traethau sy’n syfrdanol yn fyd-eang, golygfeydd mynyddig gwefreiddiol (Mynydd yr Wyddfa lai na 30 munud i ffwrdd), a diwylliant a threftadaeth hynafol hynod ddiddorol ble bynnag y byddwch yn troi.

Llai na 10 munud i ffwrdd mewn car, fe welwch Barc Glasfryn, lle mae hwyl i'w gael, beth bynnag fo'r tywydd. Gallwch rasio o amgylch y Cylchedau Go-Kart ac ymarfer eich nod ar Saethu Colomennod Clai, neu Golff Gwallgof; os ewch i mewn gallwch chi chwarae Bowlio Deg. A gadewch i'r plant bach losgi egni yn yr ardal Chwarae Meddal. Mae eu llynnoedd hardd yn gartref i Barc Dŵr lle gallwch chi ddysgu sut i tonfyrddio, neu herio'ch hun ar y cwrs rhwystrau allanol.

Mae Pwllheli, tua 15 munud I ffwrdd, a fe welwch un o gyrsiau golf gorau Gogledd Cymru. Mae Clwb Golff Pwllheli wedi lleoli ar arfordir sydd yn gwnebu bae Aberteifi.

Disgwylir i’r datblygiad gael ei gwblhau yn Hydref 2024, felly os hoffech ragor o wybodaeth neu os oes gennych ddidordeb mewn cadw lle, cysylltwch â ni.

Beech Developments is thrilled to announce its latest development, situated in the charming village of Chwilog.

The construction of 12 plots has already begun, which includes a combination of high-quality, highly energy-efficient 3 and 4-bedroom homes, surrounded by open spaces and attractive landscaping. The Afon Carrog river flows through the village on its way to the sea at Afonwen, which is less than 1 mile away.

One of the key benefits of buying a new Beech home is the high energy rating achieved through modern methods of construction, including insulated concrete frame (ICF) in partnership with Nudura, air source heat pumps with smart controls, Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery Units, installation of A-rated appliances, triple glazing, and solar panels, to name a few.

Having seen energy costs soar over the past few years, our new homeowners will be able to rest easy in their warm, cosy homes come winter. On average, new build homes are approximately 60% less expensive to heat than equivalent older homes.

The village is served by a main bus route and is located just 2 minutes’ drive away from Penychain train station and 5 minutes’ drive from Abererch train station, allowing for convenient travel to towns and cities across North Wales and beyond.

The development is located just across the road from the Ysgol Gynradd Chwilog School, which has been described by the local school inspectorate, ESTYN, as a happy and homely school with a strong sense of community.

The village pub, Y Madryn, is only a 2-minute walk away, and it has become a hub for the village, hosting several gigs with up to 400 people attending, as well as holding coffee mornings and raising funds for mental health causes. Y Madryn is the only pub in North Wales to be short-listed for the Countryside Alliance regional awards, often dubbed the “rural Oscars”.

North Wales has some of the best outdoor adventure activities, world-stunning beaches, thrilling mountain scenery (Yr Wyddfa is less than 40 minutes away), and fascinating ancient culture and heritage wherever you turn.

Less than a 10-minute drive away, you will find Glasfryn Park, where there is fun to be had, whatever the weather. You can race around the flood-lit Go-Kart Circuits, and practice your aim at Clay Pigeon Shooting, Archery, or Crazy Golf. Or get inside for Ten-Pin Bowling and let the kids burn off energy in the Soft Play area. Their beautiful lakes are home to an Aqua Park where you can learn to Wakeboard, or challenge yourself on the many obstacles. Adrenaline seekers should head for the tower and leap onto ‘The Blob’, sending your friends flying through the air into the lake. Or, if you’re after a more relaxing water sport, why not take in the stunning mountain views on their kayaks or SUP’s.

In Pwllheli, about 15 minutes away, you will find one of North Wales’s finest golf courses. Clwb Golff Pwllheli, with its unique part links and part parkland course, is located on the south-facing coastline of Cardigan Bay. With fantastic views stretching along miles of coastline to the mountains of Eryri.

The development is set to be completed in autumn 2024, so if you would like more information or are interested in reserving, please contact us.

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